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October 5, 2007
New edition of SL&P casebook now in print
I am pleased and proud to note that this week I received a hard copy of the second edition of the sentencing casebook I co-author (with Nora Demleitner, Marc Miller, Ronald Wright), entitled "Sentencing Law and Policy: Cases, Statutes, and Guidelines." As this web page details, the completely updated second edition includes complete coverage of Blakely, Booker and Rita, as well as new materials focused on sex offenses and drug offenses and discussing the role of sentencing as part of a larger social response to crime.
To my knowledge, over two dozen schools used the first edition of this casebook in some kind of dedicated sentencing course. I am hopeful that this updated edition — along with the extraordinary attention that sentencing issues are now receiving — will lead to dozens of additional adopters.
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October 5, 2007 at 05:15 PM | Permalink
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