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November 14, 2007

Media coverage of crack retroactivity hearing

How Appealing collects here some of the major media coverage of yesterday's debate over retroactive application of the new crack guidelines before the US Sentencing Commission.   This Washington Post piece provides this information about a likely timeline for the USSC's decision:

The commission, comprising seven voting members appointed by President Bush and former president Bill Clinton, is scheduled to meet today, but a vote on retroaction is unlikely.  Individuals familiar with the panel's deliberations who spoke only after receiving a promise not to be identified said the commission is likely to vote on retroaction in January. A spokesman for the group declined to discuss its plans.

Meanwhile, this New York Sun piece suggests that Rudy Guiliani is against retroactivity, although it appears the paper is itself trying to drum up a controversy"

In response to a question from The New York Sun yesterday, Mr. Giuliani said he was not familiar with the details of the proposal, but added that his experience as a prosecutor made him wary of a surge of thousands of ex-offenders onto the streets.

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November 14, 2007 at 09:27 AM | Permalink


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By asking someone running for president about something that the federal government is doing, the paper is trying to "drum up a controversy?" This looks like an example of a newspaper doing its job to me.

Posted by: YesBut | Nov 14, 2007 11:17:56 AM

Fair point, YesBut, though I guess it was the Sun's headline -- "Giuliani Derides Idea of a Crack Amnesty" -- that seemed over the top.

Posted by: Doug B. | Nov 14, 2007 11:44:59 AM

They make it sound as if they were going to free all the crack ofenders. Ignorant people, which make up a large part of the Republian party will feel threaten by the "inevitable" surge of drug addicts that will break into their homes. I don't think that the newspaper did a good job.

They obviouisly just wanted to put Guiliani as a "tough on crime" politician.

Posted by: EJ | Nov 14, 2007 1:45:46 PM

There are relatively few prisoners from Rudy's home state that will be effected, and by far the largest group of offenders come from EDVA (something like 1400). With any luck they'll all return to northern Virginia and break into Republican Congressmen's homes -- where they'll find plenty of drugs and gay porn.

Posted by: dweedle | Nov 14, 2007 2:29:28 PM

This is why the media is useless, except for reprinting press releases.

Posted by: S.cotus | Nov 14, 2007 2:35:20 PM

Now we're all participatin' in whot they call the "New Media". Wheee!

The number of people that will actually get out due to retroactivity (over several years) is 40 times smaller than the number of offenders who will be released by the Governator in California next year due to prison overcrowding (Approx 86,000), yet the sky is falling.

Why isn't everyone up in arms about all the glue sniffers, pinko surfers, and talent agents about to be set loose on the streets of Babylon?

Posted by: dweedle | Nov 14, 2007 2:58:14 PM

we all have only one god a god of second chances for one minute put yourself in there shose. when i s enough enough? retroactive is fair.

Posted by: the chosen one | Nov 24, 2007 12:11:47 AM

the federal prisons were made for blue collar crimes not drug dealers and how many drug dealers do you know break in to homes? they are all not drug addicts 75% of them if did drugs may have used marijuana not crack. these people have mothers, wifes, and children waiting for them. I am one of them and I have to remind my seven year old everyday to stay away from this neighbor or stay in groups because of all the child molester around but her father who did what he knew best recived a 141 month sentence at the age of 20. Maybe putting all the drug addict in jail instead would stop the dealing for there would be no one to supply. Lets try something new this is not working!!!!!!!!!! 19,000 people need are help

Posted by: jlane | Dec 11, 2007 1:56:58 PM

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