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December 8, 2007

A little weekend campaigning

This post is a weekend pitch asking readers to go over to the ABA's Blawg 100 list and vote here for this blog as among your favorite criminal justice blogs.  This is my first campaign post, precipitated by the fact that I have now fallen to third in the voting behind a "blawg" that only does about one or two posts each week.


UPDATE:  As of Sunday morning, I've jumped to first place.  Thanks everyone, and keep stuffing this virtual ballot box on my behalf.

December 8, 2007 at 04:02 PM | Permalink


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» Eine Bitte von Doug Berman from Keine Todesstrafe - No Death Penalty
Doug Berman bittet darum hier für sein Blawg zu stimmen - in der Ranking Liste der 100 meist gelesenen amerikanischen Blawgs. Für mich ist das nicht ganz so einfach - nicht, weil Doug Berman's Blog schlecht wäre, ganz im Gegenteil;... [Read More]

Tracked on Dec 8, 2007 4:35:34 PM


Done. You are still 7 votes short, but I'll make sure to vote from every computer in school :D

Posted by: EJ | Dec 8, 2007 9:04:19 PM

did it

Posted by: beth curtis | Dec 8, 2007 9:56:51 PM

Will be pleased to. I very much appreciate your willingness to host views not in agreement with yours or the majority of your readers. Many liberals, and many conservatives, talk only to the like-minded. I do not see how that advances the ball.


Posted by: Bill Otis | Dec 9, 2007 7:42:36 AM

Yep, I voted for you too. Appreciate the fact that you take comments from non-lawyer types.

Posted by: William Jockusch | Dec 9, 2007 3:01:03 PM

Starting tomorrow I'll be voting problably about 5-10 times a day. Would that be considered vote fraud? ;D

Posted by: EJ | Dec 9, 2007 5:39:05 PM


Posted by: Stiff | Dec 10, 2007 1:01:50 PM

Post a comment

In the body of your email, please indicate if you are a professor, student, prosecutor, defense attorney, etc. so I can gain a sense of who is reading my blog. Thank you, DAB