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December 23, 2007

Major papers calling for death penalty to be killed off

The Boston Globe and Washington Post have similar editorials today on the death penalty:

December 23, 2007 at 08:37 AM | Permalink


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anyone know the status of abolition efforts in MA?

Posted by: rothmatisseko | Dec 23, 2007 10:52:39 PM

The death penalty in Mass is very, very dead. Gov. there opposes & there aren't anywhere close to enough votes in either chamber. With that stated the feds are forcing through lotsa federal capital prosecutions.

Posted by: nony | Dec 23, 2007 11:12:04 PM

I ask this as I'm not sure, but are the feds more likely to take over or prosecute a case in a state where the death penalty is not being imposed?

Posted by: CJT | Dec 24, 2007 11:56:25 AM

CJT: after the Embassy Bombing case in SDNY, when the jury refused to impose the death penalty, the Just. Dept. moved the prosecutions to Va. Expectation was easier death juries. So, the answer is likely "yes".

Posted by: bernie kleinman | Dec 27, 2007 8:11:46 AM

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