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December 14, 2007
Pretty in pink?
Though the graphic and headline in this post might suggest otherwise, I am not joining the Truly Bad Movie Meme (details here and here). Rather, I am setting up this local article about a corrections innovation:
Those who paint Miami County red may wake up in a pink jail cell. It's not a bad dream, but the result of a paint job under way at the Miami County Jail in downtown Troy. The pink walls were the idea of Sheriff Charles Cox, but downtown jail administrator Dee Sandy selected the shade of pink for block walls and the accent colors for the metal bars, bunks and doors.... "It actually is really pretty," Sandy said.
Cox said the idea for the pink jail "basically came off the top of my head." He half jokingly suggested that "sometime we should paint the jail pink. It (the color pink) is supposed to have a soothing effect." Sandy said the first time the sheriff mentioned the concept to her, she thought he was joking. Inmates have found out otherwise.
December 14, 2007 at 04:08 PM | Permalink
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IIRC from an article a few years ago pink jails actually do work to reduce misbehavior by inmates.
Posted by: ohwilleke | Dec 14, 2007 5:02:23 PM
There's that one county (Maricopa?) in Arizona with that crazy-ass sheriff that, among other things, makes all the inmates wear pink underwear. It's the County with that "Tent City" that they've had a few news specials on. I've seen interviews with the sheriff and he's a total nutcase (not b/c of the pink underwear which probably does some good to take the mass machismo down a notch.
Posted by: bruce | Dec 15, 2007 5:59:04 PM