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January 5, 2008
Important(?) USSC public meeting next week
As now metioned at the US Sentencing Commission's website, a "public meeting of the Commission is scheduled for Wednesday, January 9, 2008, at 11:30 am," and this official agenda highlights that the meeting will include "Possible Votes to Publish Guideline Amendments and Issues for Comment" and "Possible Vote to Publish Amendment to Rules of Practice and Procedure."
I seriously doubt that the USSC has anything on tap that's on par with its recent crack work. Nevertheless, I am hopefully optimistic that the Commission will be continuing to grapple, though its amendments and issues for comment, with important aspects of the post-Booker world (especially now that it ever more clear that a significant legislative response to Booker is extraordinarily unlikely anytime soon).
January 5, 2008 at 07:02 AM | Permalink
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