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February 10, 2008

An intriguing project for criminal conversations

Professors Paul Robinson and Kimberly Ferzan have created an intriguing new project entitled Criminal Law Conversations, which is explained at this slick website.  Here is part of the pitch on the website:

We invite criminal law scholars around the world to contribute to an exciting peer engaged project of criminal law "conversations" to be published collectively as a book.  Concise "core" papers, not to exceed 5000 words (approximately ten single spaced pages), each summarizing a theory or position, will each be followed by a number of short (normally no more than 800 words two pages or less) comments, with a final reply to the comments by the original core paper author.

The goal of Criminal Law Conversations (CLC) is to promote thoughtful critiques of important issues. Too often opposing advocates talk past each other.  CLC's web based virtual "conversations" are designed to help opponents join issue.  The website is not a blog but rather a vehicle for nominating and organizing the project's topics and contributors.

February 10, 2008 at 08:42 PM | Permalink


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