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February 27, 2008
Around the blogosphere
There are lots of new posts of interest at a lot of old favorites:
Though there a lot good at all these locales, Grits does especially awesome work in this post, titled "Liberals try scare tactics touting 'impending crime wave'." The post (which has generated great comments) concludes this way:
I've long believed that crime and punishment is a bipartisan issue, or rather a non-partisan one. Big government liberals like prisons as much as tuff on crime conservatives do, just for different reasons. IMO we don't need a "third way" on crime, we need a second.
February 27, 2008 at 12:47 AM | Permalink
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More on The Third Way.
Grits got it right: "And with progressives like those, what do we need right wingers for?"
Posted by: George | Feb 27, 2008 1:40:19 AM