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February 14, 2008

More on Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, perjury prosecutions and race concerns

This new Bloomberg news piece, which quotes many former federal prosecutors, has me thinking again about racial disparities if Roger Clemens is not very soon subject to the same kind of criminal charges that are now facing Barry Bonds.  Here are snippets:

Roger Clemens may have risked a perjury prosecution with his sworn denials to a U.S. congressional committee investigating performance-enhancing drugs, lawyers following the case said....

Clemens may find that his denials of drug use play well with his fans, said Sam Buell, a former federal prosecutor who now teaches law at Washington University in St. Louis. They may also expose him to a criminal prosecution that could have been avoided, he said. "He's the one who's created venue for possible charges of lying,'' Buell said.  "He's the one who's offered himself up as a witness.  If it is then established that he's lying, it's going to be hard for the government to look the other way.'' 

"If you lie under oath to Congress, you are subject to prosecution,'' said Columbia Law School professor Daniel Richman, a former federal prosecutor.  "The sad fact is that all too many people lie to Congress and don't get prosecuted.  This is the beginning of an interesting prosecutorial decision-making process.'' 

The U.S. Attorney's Office in San Francisco brought perjury and obstruction charges against baseball All-Star outfielder Barry Bonds in November for telling a grand jury he didn't knowingly use steroids.  Bonds denied the charges and will seek at a Feb. 29 hearing to dismiss the perjury count.  Olympic sprinter Marion Jones was accused of obstruction and lying to U.S. investigators about taking steroids.  Jones pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to six months in prison.

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February 14, 2008 at 05:57 PM | Permalink


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there are more things these people in congress could be doing.who care's about these guys and steroids taking.we need to seeking how to stop these people from mis using our tax dollars in washington d.c.

Posted by: Ernest | Feb 15, 2008 5:30:49 AM

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