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March 17, 2008

Another round of lawyers, guns and money

16supreme600a I cannot help thinking about the late great Warren Zevon and his great homage to the Cold War as I see all the media buzz over the Heller Second Amendment case to be argued in the Supreme Court tomorrow (lots of links thanks to How Appealing here and here). 

It is especially interesting to think about the Heller case against the backdrop of yesterday's interesting NY Times article titled "Supreme Court Inc," which documents how the Justices' recent work has been "exceptionally good for American business."  What sort of Second Amendment ruling would be good for business.  Perhaps counter-intuitively, I actually think that a rejection of broad individual Second Amendment rights will be good for business because I suspect a broad individual rights ruling could (and likely would) increase pressure on gun manufacturers to accept regulation of their products and a greater number of tort suits brought against gun sellers.

Some of my prior posts on Heller and the Second Amendment:

March 17, 2008 at 09:10 AM | Permalink


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I haven't seen the full oral arguments yet but from what has been posted at Scotusblog confirms my earlier comment. The SCOTUS intends to use the individual rights language but then limit that right very narrowly. Sorry, but regardless of policy there is no rational constitutional way to exclude machine guns from the right to bear arms, let alone plastic knives (how silly).

Posted by: Daniel Thomas | Mar 18, 2008 11:43:34 AM

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