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March 25, 2008

Is there growing public concern with sentencing and prison reform?

This new article, headined "Prison reform on public radar," suggests that the public is starting to take note of some sentencing and prison issues.  I am not sure this is true, in part because the leading presidential candidates have so far largely avoided any serious discussion of crime and punishment issues.

That said, The Sentencing Project this week has produced an exciting new resource for sentencing fans who are also political junkies:

The Sentencing Project is pleased to publish a guide to the 2008 Presidential Candidates' Platforms on Criminal Justice. This guide provides information on a range of key criminal justice issues, including sentencing policy, reentry, death penalty, and felony disenfranchisement.

The Sentencing Project is a nonpartisan public policy organization that does not support or oppose the candidacy of any candidate for public office.  This document is designed to make the public better aware of the candidates' positions on criminal justice policy, an issue that has received relatively little attention in the current political debate.  Voters should learn all they can about the candidates on a range of issues and should not rely on any single source of information before making their decision.

March 25, 2008 at 02:16 AM | Permalink


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