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April 17, 2008
Focused analysis of distraction of Kennedy case
Writing at FindLaw, Marci Hamilton has this new piece entitled "The Supreme Court Considers Whether Imposing the Death Penalty for Child Rape Is Constitutional: The Arguments For and Against the Penalty." Though focused mainly on the arguments presented to the Justices, the piece ends with this astute observation:
In sum, whether or not the Court upholds the death penalty for child abusers this Term, the entrenched barriers to identifying predators will not be eliminated, or even reduced. For that reason, from the perspective of the child being abused today or the survivor trying to cope in the wake of abuse decades ago, the case is a lot of hype - a paper battle that distracts from the far more essential battle for the reforms that are truly necessary if justice and decency are to be served.
April 17, 2008 at 08:39 AM | Permalink
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Following the oral argument, here are some interesting links from around the Web:Supreme Court debates execution in child rape case, Times-Picayune (HT: How Appealing)Supreme Court ponders death for rapists of children, McClathcy Newspapers (HT: How Ap... [Read More]
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