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April 6, 2008

New study confirms we do not treat murderers like dogs

Vet As this AP story details, examination of lethal injection protocols is not awaiting a Supreme Court ruling in Baze.  Here is the latest news based on the latest research:

Nearly all lethal injection executions have occurred in states where veterinarians are not allowed to use the same method to euthanize animals, according to a new study.

One of the three drugs used in executions, the one that paralyzes the condemned inmate, has been banned from use in animal euthanasia by at least 42 states, said the study author Ty Alper, a death penalty opponent and associate director of the Death Penalty Clinic at the University of California-Berkeley School of Law.  Those states include the five leaders in lethal injections — Texas, Oklahoma, Virginia, Missouri and North Carolina — and account for 907 of the 929 executions that have been carried out by that method since 1982.

More details on the new study and related issues are available here from Lethal Injection.org.  The new study by Ty Alper, which is titled "Anesthetizing the Public Conscience: Lethal Injection and Animal Euthanasia," is available at this link.

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April 6, 2008 at 08:55 AM | Permalink


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