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April 15, 2008

On the road during SCOTUS sentencing day

SCOTUSblog has this effective preview of a Tuesday full of sentencing action in front of the Justices:

At 10 a.m., the Court is scheduled to hear argument in Greenlaw v. United States (07-330), involving appellate judges’ ability to increase sentences sua sponte....  At 11 a.m., the Court is scheduled to hear argument in Irizarry v. United States (06-7517), involving judges’ duty to notify parties before departing from the sentencing guidelines....

In advance of the arguments, the Justices may release one or more opinions.

Because I will be on the road most of today, readers should head over to How Appealing and SCOTUSblog for early reports on all the SCOTUS happenings.  If my travels go smoothly, I hope to be able to recap all the highlights this evening.

April 15, 2008 at 07:35 AM | Permalink


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Hope your travels are going well Doug!

It's sort of depressing how little coverage many SCOTUS criminal cases receive. I can't find a single article (using google news) about the Irizarry argument yet. Yes, the transcripts are on-line, but I don't have the time to read them. I'd like a newsy summary/analysis of the cases argued today.

Hope to see one here this evening :)

Posted by: Reader | Apr 15, 2008 4:17:20 PM

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