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June 11, 2008

Notable NBA fix tales being told by ref facing sentencing

As detailed in this New York Times article, the documents being generated before the sentencing of former ref Tim Donaghy are generating quite a buzz among folks other than just sentencing fans:

N.B.A. executives and referees are accused of broad misconduct and outright manipulation of game results — including a highly disputed 2002 playoff series — in the latest court filing by the lawyer for the former referee Tim Donaghy.

The charges, outlined by the lawyer John Lauro in a letter filed Tuesday, are the most detailed and the most provocative to emerge since last July, when Donaghy was arrested and charged with conspiring with gamblers.  Donaghy has pleaded guilty and will be sentenced next month.

The accusations are contained in a four-page letter, sent to United States District Judge Carol B. Amon, as part of Donaghy’s plea for a lighter sentence.  All of the information revealed Tuesday was previously conveyed by Donaghy to federal investigators last July. No one else has been charged with a crime.

Commissioner David Stern, speaking before Game 3 of the N.B.A. finals at Staples Center on Tuesday, dismissed all of the allegations as “baseless.”

According to Donaghy, N.B.A. executives directed referees “to manipulate games” in order to “boost ticket sales and television ratings,” and he cited several examples.

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June 11, 2008 at 08:01 AM | Permalink


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Anyone who thinks professional sports are real, and not staged, choreographed, pre-determined entertainment, probably believes Hulk Hogan's reality show is real, too.

Posted by: bruce | Jun 11, 2008 9:58:16 AM

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