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June 9, 2008

Signs of the sentencing times

These two notable commentaries from local papers today reinforce my belief (or should I say, my hope) that tough-on-crime rhetoric is getting tired and will be replaced by smart-on-crime realities:

As highlight in this recent post, many folks may still try to play the crime card in the upcoming election.  But I am cautiously hopeful that both presidential candidates, with their rhetoric of hope, change and straight talk, can move up past the old political demagogy that has served us poorly in this context.

June 9, 2008 at 08:46 AM | Permalink


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I accept the fact that a life-long
drug addict arrested for possessing
dope is a non-violent criminal and
should not go to prison.

Could someone please explain to me why
this same life long drug addict should
not go to prison when he is
convicted of either burglary or
robbery to support his habit?

Would an AG John Edwards have the
intellect or courage to make this

Posted by: Large County Prosecutor | Jun 10, 2008 1:25:53 PM

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