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June 16, 2008

Upcoming JEC hearing on costs of US drug policy

According to this webpage at FAMM, later this week "Senator Jim Webb (D-Va.) will convene a hearing of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) to examine the economic consequences of the United States' drug policy."  Here are more details:

The hearing, entitled “U.S. Drug Policy: At What Cost?” will be held Thursday, June 19.  The panel will discuss the illegal drug economy in the United States, assess the costs of U.S. policy responses to combatting drug use and address the need for policy reforms.  The hearing is also likely to address, to some extent, mandatory minimums and sentencing issues.

This page at Stop the Drug War lists expected witnesses, though I cannot yet find any official notice of the scheduled hearing.

As noted in prior posts linked below, last year Senator Webb convened a JEC hearing on the costs of mass incarceration.  It is principally for this reason that I have been excited by the prospect of Senator Webb being on a presidential ticket.

June 16, 2008 at 11:27 PM | Permalink


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Webb would be a great choice. He's Obamas intellectual equal and an innovative thinker. It would be so good to say good-by to polemics.

Posted by: beth curtis | Jun 17, 2008 11:44:20 AM

Our drug policy began with the perjured testimony of Harry Anslinger before Congress. It's based on perjury, no reason to believe it won't be perpetuated through perjury.

After all, drugs are bad, mmmmmkay. And what's a little perjury to save TPC? TPC always comes first. If we have to lie to show drugs are bad, then we'll do it - otherwise facts might get in the way of showing drugs are bad. And then TPC will be endangered.

Posted by: bruce | Jun 18, 2008 12:21:54 AM

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