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June 11, 2008

When you got to go (to sentencing), you got to go

This local story, headlined "25 miles from court and in want of a ride, man puts sole into attempt to see judge," highlights one person very motivated to get to court for sentencing:

Early Tuesday morning, Stephen A. Shoemaker discovered, to his dismay, that he didn't have a ride to the Cumberland County Courthouse.  The Shippensburg man was supposed to be there at 9:30 a.m. to be sentenced on a drunken-driving conviction. He doesn't have a car or a driver's license. His brother, who was supposed to give him a lift, was a no-show.

So Shoemaker, 33, started walking at dawn. And he kept walking through 90-plus-degree heat for about 25 miles -- with a detour to Carlisle Regional Medical Center -- until he arrived to stand before Judge Edward E. Guido that afternoon.  "I got a little bit light-headed. I about passed out," Shoemaker said.

The mix of pluck, stamina and sheer foolishness was something Guido said he'd never seen. "I had no other way to get here," Shoemaker said as he waited for his hearing to begin. "If I hadn't come in, I would have had a warrant out for my arrest." That, he said, probably would have killed his hopes of going full time at a pipe-making plant where he's been working the last few months.

June 11, 2008 at 09:38 AM | Permalink


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I certainly hope that this action by the defendant made an impact with the judge in this matter. Far too often judges are willing to throw the book at individuals, and this man showed an incredibly amount of integrity in honoring the orders of the court.

Posted by: JT | Jun 11, 2008 11:12:13 AM

I've seen this happen before in a rural area of Virginia.

Posted by: Zack | Jun 12, 2008 10:09:10 AM

This man's last name suggests he wasn't the first of his line to hoof it. (someone had to go there...)

Posted by: Anonicus Maximus | Jun 12, 2008 12:17:45 PM

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