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July 30, 2008

Former NBA Referee Sentenced to 15 Months

As reported by The New York Times here, former NBA referee Tim Donaghy was sentenced on Tuesday to 15 months in prison by U.S. District Judge Carol B. Amon following his guilty plea to charges related to his role in a gambling ring that involved NBA games.  The article suggests that Donaghy, who faced a sentence of 27 to 33 months based on the federal guidelines, received a lenient sentence based on his agreement to cooperate with the investigation.  Donaghy was the last of the three defendants charged in the ring to be sentenced.  His co-defendants, James Battista and Thomas Martino, were sentenced last week to 15 months and 12 months plus 1 day, respectively. 

Tuesday's sentencing of Donaghy was the culmination of some interesting back-and-forth between prosecutors and defense attorneys in recent months over the extent of Donaghy's cooperation, as discussed in these prior blog posts by Doug Berman:

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July 30, 2008 at 07:20 PM | Permalink


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The judge apparently gave Donaghy credit for cooperating even though his information didn't go anywhere. I'm a little surprised at the outcome but think it's a correct one given the sentences of the two gamblers. He'll never referee another game, which is a more important and significant thing in his life, I'm certain, than the time he'll do.

Donaghy's dad was himself a long-time official who retired a decade ago and is probably utterly heartbroken. I imagine prison may well be a cake walk compared to the shame of looking his father in the eye after disgracing the family name.

Posted by: Gritsforbreakfast | Jul 31, 2008 8:08:02 AM

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