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July 24, 2008

Major California report urges doing away with juve prisons

The Little Hoover Commission recently released a major report with recommendations for improving juvenile justice in California. The report, titled "Juvenile Justice Reform: Realigning Responsibilities," can be accessed here. This official press release, which provides an effective summary of the report, begins this way:

The Little Hoover Commission on Monday urged the governor and the Legislature to lay the groundwork for the creation of county-run, state-funded, regional rehabilitative facilities for high-risk, high-need juvenile offenders and for the eventual elimination of state juvenile justice operations.

In its report, Juvenile Justice Reform: Realigning Responsibilities, the Commission recommends streamlining and consolidating the state’s juvenile justice operations into an Office of Juvenile Justice. The new office should be outside the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and would combine the activities of the chief deputy secretary of juvenile justice as well as juvenile justice grants administration and oversight now done by the Corrections Standards Authority.

Media coverage of this report has been focused on the call to eliminate juve prisons:

July 24, 2008 at 09:16 AM | Permalink


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I am extremely skeptical of the notion of county run facilities. This sounds to me a lot like a big o' barrel of pork. While I can agree that juvies need to be taken out of the adult prison system, assigning them to counties is not a step in the right direction. It will lead to increased cost and less quality. Bad choice.

Posted by: Daniel | Jul 24, 2008 8:33:14 PM

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