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August 10, 2008
I'm back, behind and grateful...
for the extraordinary effort and the outstanding work of the guest bloggers. The reviews appear to be positive, at least based on these comments. And, because my whole family enjoyed my time away from the computer, I am pretty confident that I will arrange for a return visit by these guests (and perhaps others) before long.
Because I have e-piles of of e-mail to get through (and also a new school year's class only a week away), blogging thus may be a bit light the next few days. But I am already looking forward to reviewing (and adding comments) on some of the big doings while I was away.
August 10, 2008 at 06:04 PM | Permalink
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Welcome back.
Perhaps you should have a weekly guest column where you invite a practioner to write a “Practioner’s Note.” I think that’d be interesting and be useful to many of us.
Posted by: Not the same | Aug 10, 2008 10:21:20 PM
I agree with "not the same" above.
Posted by: Daniel | Aug 11, 2008 12:01:16 PM