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August 18, 2008
Seeking data sets on the SCOTUS criminal docket
Over at SCOTUSblog is this new post, headlined "ABA Review: The Supreme Court’s OT07 Criminal Docket." That post links to a previous SCOTUSblog review of the Justices' voting records during the 2007 October Term, and it also links to this terrific summary prepared by Professor Rory Little of all the Court's work last term in criminal cases.
Though these resources provide a fantastic overview of the Court's work in criminal cases over the last term, they have me wondering if anyone is assembling (or has assembled) any data on the Supreme Court's criminal docket over the past decade. When putting together a short piece complaining about the Supreme Court's tendency to consider on the merits too many death penalty cases (available at this link at SSRN), I was unable to locate any empirical inquiries or analysis of the Court's criminal docket.
If anyone is aware of any such data sets either in development or already available, I would be grateful for any lead or link or reference.
Some related posts:
- My (already dated) musings on the SCOTUS criminal docket
- Defense lawyers win: initial reflections on the SCOTUS term that was
- Brave New Justice and sentencing issues
- Looking ahead to SCOTUS docket dynamics
August 18, 2008 at 04:33 PM | Permalink
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Readers may be interested in the leading Scottish judgement on downloading pornography. This is one of the very few guidelines sentences passed by the Court of Appeal in Scotland. The Scottish approach to sentencing this type of case is not too different, but the sanction is significantly less severe.
Posted by: neil hutton | Aug 19, 2008 5:36:11 AM