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August 22, 2008

Sex in the (host) city

This story from ABC News captures one of many reasons why I am often so troubled that so many politicians are so eager to demonize so many sex offenders without being tough on their own:

Prostitution in Denver and Minneapolis will spike during the political conventions held there in the coming weeks, experts say, and online ads indicate sex workers are preparing themselves....

"We know it's going to rise," said Vednita Carter of Breaking Free, a Denver-based nonprofit which helps women and girls involved in prostitution and sex trafficking. "That's what we've been hearing from women who are involved in that life."

Crowds like those coming for the political conventions will inevitably mean a boost for the sex industry, said former prostitute Carol Leigh, a spokeswoman for the San Francisco-based sex workers-rights group Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics (COYOTE)....

In Denver, Breaking Free's Carter said her group is concerned that the boom in sex business they are expecting will bring harm to underaged girls who have been coerced or forced to sell sexual services. "There's going to be younger girls who are going to be involved in it," she said. "I think there might be some [physical] harm that might come. Usually the young girls have pimps. I think they're going to be real hard-core on them during the convention" by "demanding higher quotas," Carter explained.

August 22, 2008 at 10:04 AM | Permalink


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