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October 15, 2008
Yale LJ Pocket Part piece on Kennedy rehearing denial
I am intrigued to see that the Yale Law Journal Pocket Part already has this new piece on-line concerning the Supreme Court's denial of rehearing in the Kennedy child rape case. The piece is by Bidish Sarma and is titled "Still in Search of a Unifying Principle: What Kennedy v. Louisiana and the Supreme Court’s Denial of the State’s Petition for Rehearing Signal for the Future." Here is an excerpt from the piece's introduction: "
The State of Louisiana claimed that a recent change in military law invalidated the Court’s finding [in Kennedy] of a national consensus. It attempted to capitalize upon fresh media coverage and widespread confusion about the facts by filing a petition for rehearing with the Supreme Court. On October 1, 2008, the Court denied the request for a rehearing. This piece briefly explores: (I) the basis of the Court’s decision to reject the request for rehearing; and (II) the Kennedy decision’s implications for the Eighth Amendment’s future.
October 15, 2008 at 04:29 AM | Permalink
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» New Article about Kennedy v. Louisiana from Sex Crimes
Bidish Sarma has written a short article at the Yale Journal Pocket Part about the legacy of the Court's decision in Kennedy v. Louisiana. Sarma was involved in the litigation, so the article comes from an interesting perspective. I think [Read More]
Tracked on Oct 15, 2008 10:16:16 PM