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November 6, 2008

"Smart on Crime: Recommendations for the Next Administration and Congress"

The title of this post in the title of a new report I just learned about through an e-mail with the text of this press release:

A coalition of more than 20 organizations and individuals is pleased to announce the publication of a catalogue of key criminal justice issues and policy recommendations for the next administration and congress.

Virginia Sloan, President of the Constitution Project, which coordinated the coalition's efforts, said: "'Smart on Crime: Recommendations for the Next Administration and Congress'reflects the ongoing, collaborative efforts of a coalition of more than twenty leading organizations and individuals to provide policymakers with a framework for addressing criminal justice issues. The catalogue includes recommendations drawn from the shared knowledge and experience of a broad coalition of groups devoted to improving our criminal justice system."

The catalogue identifies 43 criminal justice priorities in 15 issue areas, makes recommendations for congressional and executive action, and provides in-depth background information on a broad array of subjects. It also includes lists of issue-based resources and experts.

The catalogue is available online at http://constitutionproject.org/....

The report contains the following chapters:

1.Overcriminalization of Conduct, Overfederalization of Criminal Law, and the Exercise of Enforcement Discretion

2. Federal Law Enforcement Reform - Improve Investigative Techniques, Including Eyewitness Identification, Incentives to Testify, and Interrogation

3. Forensic Science Reform -- Federal Oversight and Standards

4. Federal Grand Jury Reform

5. Federal Sentencing Reform

6. Asset Forfeiture Reform

7. Innocence Issues

8. Prison Reform

9. Pardon Power/Executive Clemency -- Breathe New Life into the Pardon Power

10. Re-entry -- Ensure Successful Reintegration After Incarceration

11. Public Defense Reforms-Make our Communities Safer by Supporting Quality Public Defense System

12. Death Penalty/Habeas Corpus Reform

13. Juvenile Justice Reforms

14. Fixing Medellin: Compliance with International Law and Protecting Consular Access

15. Victim Issues and Restorative Justice

Because the report runs 263 pages(!), I fear it might be too much of a good thing.  But I am looking forward to reading it all the same.

November 6, 2008 at 01:56 PM | Permalink


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Thank you for this information. This looks like a very aggressive initiative, and it is timely and welcome.

Posted by: | Nov 7, 2008 11:30:17 AM

What's the verdict? I intend to read it myself, but would love to hear your thoughts in the meantime.

Posted by: Lee | Nov 29, 2008 6:02:27 PM

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