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November 4, 2008

Some recommended sentencing reading after we get federal election results

While we all await election results, I though it might be fun to recommend some timely and timeless older sentencing literature from SSRN, all of which that seems worth reading (or re-reading) during the upcoming transition period.  I doubt anyone dealing with issues other than federal sentencing law and policy will have time or energy to read (or re-read) everything on this list, but I like the idea of providing through the help of SSRN a post-election policy primer from academics.

So here, in alphabetical order, is a baker's dozen of recommended titles and links (click through to see authors and dates):

Needless to say, I could add dozens more articles to this list, but I think I have provides a useful running start on useful reading for those who will be working in the forthcoming new federal administration and their allies.  Of course, additions to the list (or thoughts on this intentionally eclectic list) are welcome via the comments.

November 4, 2008 at 04:16 PM | Permalink


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