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December 16, 2008

ABA criminal justice transition recommendations

I just tripped across this ABA webpagetitled "Transition 2008" through which the ABA sets out its recommended "legislative and executive branch actions and initiatives that will improve the justice system, promote the rule of law, ensure the nation's security, and protect civil liberties." Specifically, this ABA page has "four separate policy papers summarizing some of the Association's most significant recommendations for the new administration and the new Congress."

The transition paper on "Criminal Justice System Improvements " is available at this link.  Here is how it is described:

The ABA offers recommendations to improve the criminal justice system.  Such recommendations include: alternatives to incarceration; repeal of mandatory minimum sentencing; eliminating sentencing disparities; and enacting prison reform legislation.

December 16, 2008 at 09:14 PM | Permalink


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I can't argue with many of the proposed reforms. One of the ones I would particularly like to see enacted is uniformity with regards to voting Rights. 1) The differences between the states is troubling. In one a felony conviction can result in lifetime loss, in another there is no loss, even while incarcertated. 2) I fail to see how any criminal justice system can be rehabilitative in nature if it permanetly takes away your Right to particpate in the larger system. As to your 'who is reading my blog' request - practitioner turned academic (lifetime student to boot) my CV is www.police-technology.net/raymond.foster.cv.html

Posted by: Raymond E. Foster | Dec 17, 2008 12:12:22 AM

This is a difficult suggestion since the laws differ so much by states. I think that the push needs to come from within each state to address the issues that need refinement in their legal system.

Posted by: houston criminal lawyer | Dec 21, 2008 1:17:39 PM

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