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December 3, 2008
Lots of notable sentencing action in the circuit courts
Though sentencing action and issues outside of court have captured a lot of my attention lately — on topics ranging from clemency chutzpah to foolish footballers to paralyzed porn pursuers — there has been plenty of noteworthy sentencing action in the federal circuit courts of late. Helpfully, How Appealing has assembled links to both the rulings and media coverage of two of the biggest circuit decisions recently that should be of greatest interest to sentencing fans.
Specifically, as detailed here, the Second Circuit yesterday issued a notable sentencing opinion concerning guideline issues in a high-profile terrorism case. And, as detailed here, the Tenth Circuit yesterday issued a notable sentencing opinion concerning the appellate rights of victims under the federal Crime Victims Rights Act.
In addition, though not making the newspapers, the DC Circuit and the Sixth Circuit both struggled with criminal history enhancements in lengthy opinions that can be found here and here.
December 3, 2008 at 09:06 AM | Permalink
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