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February 14, 2009
A deadly month leading up to Friday the 13th and Valentine's Day
With executions in Texas and Alabama on Thursday (details here), which followed two other executions earlier in the week, the United States brought to a close one of the deadly months in the administration of capital punishment in recent history. As detailed in this DPIC list, a total of 13 murderers were executed in the month leading up to February's Friday the 13th and Valentine's Day. (This is a ghoulish way to note these holidays, but it accords with Hollywood's murderous approach.)
In part because many states seek to avoid setting executions during the end-of-year holiday period in November and December, it is quite common for late January and early February to be a period with a large number of executions. But anyone who is adamantly against the death penalty and also is a triskaidekaphobe must be really bumming these days.
February 14, 2009 at 02:19 PM | Permalink
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