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March 24, 2009

New Jersey Supreme Court hearing challenge to local sex offfender residency restrictions

The Newark Star-Ledger has this report, headlined "Justices hear case on sex offenders; Housing restriction brings challenges," detailing a notable sex offender case coming before a notable state high court. Here is how it starts:

More than 100 towns in New Jersey have laws on the books that keep sex offenders from living near schools, libraries and playgrounds. But that soon may change because of a legal challenge that will be considered today by the state Supreme Court.

In a case involving Cherry Hill and Galloway Township, the court will hear arguments on whether towns have the power to restrict where released sex offenders live or if such local mandates conflict with New Jersey's Megan's Law, which has notified communities of their whereabouts for nearly 15 years.

March 24, 2009 at 09:58 AM | Permalink


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