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March 11, 2009
New NYCLU report on Rockefeller drug laws
As detailed in this official press release, the New York Civil Liberties Union today released a new report on the impact of the state's Rockefeller Drug Laws. The report's title, "The Rockefeller Drug Laws: Unjust, Irrational, Ineffective," provides a pretty clear sense of some of the report's conclusions. The full report can be accessed at this link, and here is a snippet from the introduction:
This report presents and marshals the empirical evidence that demonstrates New York's mandatory-minimum drug sentencing scheme has failed, utterly, to accomplish its stated objectives. It has not reduced the availability of drugs or deterred their use; it has not made us safer....
The Rockefeller Drug Laws are the Jim Crow laws of the 21st Century. This report includes demographic maps of urban centers throughout the state that depict in bold relief the racial and ethnic bias that informs the state's drug-law policy.-
These findings present lawmakers with a compelling argument for comprehensive reform of the Rockefeller Drug Laws. The argument is based on principles of law and public policy. But ultimately the issue is a moral one.
The report concludes by proposing a paradigm shift toward a public health approach to drug policy. In this new model, prison is a last resort, reserved for the truly violent. The public health approach seeks to reinvest dollars, otherwise spent on prisons, to promote safe and stable communities. In practice, this approach diverts individuals with substance abuse problems from prison to programs that promote and facilitate life success.
March 11, 2009 at 01:21 PM | Permalink
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let me introduce myself
My name is James
Born 1/7/1950
that makes me 63 and retired
live in Staten island NY
attached below is my resume to give you a little insight of my life since released from prison in 1976
My last job was at IK as a senior manager /worked directly under the owner had 5 junior managers under me and had about 50 employees
goal is to retain my full rights as a citizen by overturning my conviction
own a single family home 4 bedroom (with no mortgage)
also own a ocean front 3 bedroom condo in SC 29582 also with no Morag
credit score around 800 +
my brother is a retired police officer (NYPD) and second career is a RN
Before I go into my criminal history I want to say that I had to retire because every job today wants a back ground check and only a handful of people knew about my past---wife,brother,father in law, and brothers wife.
fortunately I have a stable economic situation and am not in dire striates.
criminal history (all drug related)
don't remember exact dates but sure that's a matter of record
plead guilty to a class E felony for burg. and got 5 years probation (I was around 21)-----shortly after that signed myself in the Rockefeller program as a 206 civil commitment and was sent to Arthur kill rehab ----there was a protest about food or something ( long time ago ) and about 7 hours in myself and about 50 people walked off grounds. I was picked up about 2 hours later and arrested for escape(felony# 2). Since I had a prior felony conviction (probation)the judge told me he had to give me a minimum of 3 years or go to trial. I chose to go to trial and chickened out when jury selection began. so when I pleaded guilty that was a violation of my probation and so on.
I know my timing is terrible but been thinking about for YEARS.
I have a 35 year work history and no drug use of any kind since the early 70's and no legal problems of any kind since then
QUESTION can you recommend someone to represent me
Thanks in Advance
PS My early resume has some faults ----had to full in gaps while I was away
PSS Did not attache resume
Posted by: James | Feb 28, 2013 10:42:24 AM