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March 5, 2009

Report on the "Capitol Hill crime summit"

I am pleased to see that The Sentencing Project has posted here a report on the "crime summit" that took place earlier this week in DC.  The item is titled "Capitol Hill Crime Summit Attracts Standing-Room Only Crowd," and here is how the report starts:

Marc Mauer, executive director of The Sentencing Project, moderated a panel of experts for “Smart on Crime Policies: Increase Public Safety, Reduce Costs, and Improve Lives,” a Capitol Hill Crime Summit held on March 3rd.  Representative Robert “Bobby” Scott (D-VA), Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, convened the standing room only briefing, which also included panels on Prevention and Intervention, and Reentry and Collateral Consequences.

Mauer opened the “Sentencing and Alternatives” discussion with a question for United States District Court Judge Nancy Gertner, asking about the effect of mandatory minimum sentences imposed by Congress, in taking discretion away from judges.  “I don't know if anyone can understand what it's like to sentence a defendant to a sentence to which you know to be manifestly unfair,” said Gertner.  “We've stopped making meaningful distinctions between offenders.”

March 5, 2009 at 01:42 PM | Permalink


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The House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies is having a series of hearings on prisoner reentry next week. From http://appropriations.house.gov/Subcommittees/sub_cjs.shtml:

Major Challenges Facing Federal Prisons, Part 1
10:00 AM, H-309 Capitol
Witness: Harley Lappin, Director, Bureau of Prisons

Major Challenges Facing Federal Prisons, Part 2
2:00 PM, H-309 Capitol
Witnesses: American Federation of Government Employees

Offender Drug Abuse Treatment Approaches
3:00 PM, H-309 Capitol
Witness: Dr. Faye Taxman, PhD, Professor, George Mason University

Assessment of the Serious & Violent Offender Reentry Initiative
9:30 AM, H-309 Capitol
Dr. Christy Visher, PhD, Professor, University of Delaware and Principal Research Associate, The Urban Institute
Dr. Pamela Lattimore, PhD, Principle Scientist, RTI International

Innovative Prisoner Reentry Programs, Part 1
1:30 PM, H-309 Capitol
Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative
George T. McDonald, Founder and President, The Doe Fund, Inc.
Pat Nolan, Vice President, Prison Fellowship

Innovative Prisoner Reentry Programs, Part 2
3:00 PM, H-309 Capitol
Witness: Jennie S. Amison, Director, Gemeinschaft Home

"What Works" for Successful Prisoner Reentry
9:30 AM, H-309 Capitol
Jeremy Travis, President, John Jay College and former Director, National Institute of Justice
Dr. James M. Byrne, PhD, Professor, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Posted by: anon | Mar 6, 2009 2:52:00 PM

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