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March 11, 2009

Timely conference (and blog) on the "California Correctional Crisis"

BearLogo I am pleased to spotlight a terrific conference sponsored by UC Hastings College of the Law next week. As detailed here, the conference is titled “The California Correctional Crisis,” and it will bring together an amazing group of public officials, practitioners, activists, and academics to talk about the full ranges of issues and challenges facing California in the arena of crime and punishment.

The full schedule for this conference is available at this link and the full list of participants is available here. In addition, the conference organizers have started this terrific blog, which is providing "News, Updates and Opinions on Sentencing and Corrections in California."  I am told that this blog will continue after the conference, and here is a sample of some notable topics that this blog has covered in recent posts:

March 11, 2009 at 04:11 PM | Permalink


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I suspect you will find much to discuss in these opinions dissenting from rehearing en banc in the 9th Circuit:


Posted by: Sentencing Observer | Mar 11, 2009 4:21:51 PM

Thanks, SO, I was planning to blog about this opinion later today after having a chance to consume what's there...

Posted by: Doug B. | Mar 11, 2009 4:22:51 PM

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