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March 13, 2009
US Sentencing Commission releases 2008 Annual Report and Sourcebook
Though this weekend I likely will have a severe case of March Madness with lots of thinking about RPI data, the US Sentencing Commission has just released a set of materials on its website that would also enable me to have a severe case of Guidelines madness with lots of thinking about sentencing data. Specifically, here's what now available for download from the USSC's website:
2008 Annual Report and Sourcebook: The 2008 Annual Report presents an overview of major Commission activities and accomplishments for fiscal year 2008. See the Commission's 2008 Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics for descriptive figures, tables, and charts, and selected district, circuit, and national sentencing data.
March 13, 2009 at 10:18 AM | Permalink
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U.S. "Refining" Its Claim on Detention Power: At SCOTUSblog, Lyle Denniston posts that the Obama Administration has outlined a new position with regard to those that are being detained at Guantanamo Bay. In a memorandum submitted to U.S. District Court... [Read More]
Tracked on Mar 13, 2009 5:40:17 PM
After sentencing guidelines took discretion away from criminal lover, lawyer rent seeking judges, crime victimization dropped 40% in the 1990's and 2000's.
This study shows a steady sentencing trend within guidelines of around 60%, since 2006. About 90% of sentences outside the guidelines were below the guidelines. Some of these below guideline sentences were with the consent of the government, due to cooperation on other crimes.
This would have a small effect on the crime rate. Since the series of decisions, crime has started to increase, especially murder, in the Scalia Bounce. He led the attack on guidelines. He is responsible for any increase in murder.
Claiming little or no effect is misleading. What these statistics hide is the unknown deterrent effect on plea bargains. Only 3% of prosecutions go to trial. So any hidden effect on plea offers would be 30 times more powerful than any effect on judge sentencing after a trial. Furthermore, if the evidence is overwhelming, the defendant is discouraged from going to trial. So those accepting pleas are more often guilty than those going to trial.
The rent seeking, criminal lover lawyer will never investigate that hidden and potentially deadly effect.
By loosing 1000's of vicious, ultra-violent, armed criminals, especially on black neighborhoods for lawyer job generation, Scalia is a criminal lover mass murderer. The Scalia Bounce is highly foreseeable, like the orbit of a planet.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Mar 14, 2009 11:38:18 AM