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April 15, 2009

Two notable sex offender rulings from the Missouri Supreme Court

As detailed in AP articles here and here, the Missouri Supreme Court has ruled against a couple of sex offender in a couple of interesting settings.  The headlines of the articles provides a summary of the rulings: " Missouri Supreme court upholds 2005 child-visitation law for sex offenders" and "Mo. Supreme Court says psychologist licensure cannot stop hearing for sex offender."

April 15, 2009 at 10:21 AM | Permalink


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Wow. I'm really surprised at that latter decision. While I can see why the court thought that it was a technical issue, I suspect that the state board that licenses psychologists would heartily disgree. There was no link to the case and I wonder if the court solicited their views.

Posted by: Daniel | Apr 15, 2009 1:19:27 PM

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