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May 18, 2009

For a very different SCOTUS short list...

be sure to check out this segment, titled "Supreme Court Choices You Haven't Heard Of," from NPR's "Weekend Edition Sunday." Among the names I heard on the NPR nominee list of choices I had not heard was my co-author Nora Demleitner, who is now Dean at Hofstra University School of Law.  Awesome!

I would be very surprised (and very pleasantly surprised) if Nora was named to the Supreme Court now, in part because she is still very young.  But I am sure she would be a fantastic jurist and it would be really nice and valuable to have someone on the Court who knows a lot about sentencing law and policy.  Notably, Newsday noticed Nora's name on NPR's novel short list, so maybe she will start getting even more buzz soon.

Meanwhile, I am wondering if and when we might get a nominee this week from the White House.  I would really like to be able to transition from all the speculations to in-depth examination of an actual nominee, but I am fearing we still may have a while to wait.

Some prior posts on SCOTUS personnel:

May 18, 2009 at 09:19 AM | Permalink


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Any vacancies on the Ohio federal benches?

Posted by: RW | May 18, 2009 3:07:02 PM

Yep, one federal distinct court position in both the Southern and Northern districts, I believe.

Posted by: Doug B. | May 19, 2009 7:41:28 AM

Do you have one picked out? :)

Posted by: RW | May 19, 2009 4:09:21 PM

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