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May 12, 2009

Lots of new SCOTUS nominee posts at The Volokh Conspiracy

The bloggers at The Volokh Conspiracy have a bunch of notable new posts (with links and comments) on SCOTUS nominee buzz:

In addition, any and all Wikipedia fans will want to check out this start of what looks to be a series of posts on from an "administrator on the site and a member of the in-house Arbitration Committee."

May 12, 2009 at 11:40 AM | Permalink


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No lawyer should be allowed to sit on any bench. Judging is a difficult job. It requires judging education. It is no place for amateurs, incompetents, self-dealing cult criminals.

I ask my hair cutter, how did you earn your license? She had 2000 hours of class time. She took a 200 question written exam. A licensing official watched her cut the hair of three types of people. She applied make up also.

This person is qualified. Judging is nearly unrealted to lawyering, and lawyer education likely disqualifies the person permanently from ever being a judge.

The violation of this principle results in the incompetent, internal traitors aggressively defiling our constitution. They should all be forcibly removed by federal marshals, be given a fair trial and shot. The sole evidence at trial would be excerpts from their appellate decisions. No lawyer gotcha. No collateral corruptions. Their decisions are the crimes.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | May 12, 2009 7:21:23 PM

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