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June 5, 2009

The challenging economics of death causing problems in Chicago

This local public radio segment from Chicago, headlined "State's Attorney Will Continue Seeking Death Penalty," provides a windy city perspective of the challenges of death penalty administration during tight economic times. Here is the lead in to the segment:

Prosecutors in Cook County say they will continue seeking the death penalty. That's in response to a request from the public defender's office to take the option of capital punishment off the table. The public defender says his office has run out of money used specifically to defend clients facing the death penalty. Sally Daly is with the state's attorney's office. She says a lack of money is no reason to change the judicial process.

Some recent related posts on the costs of capital punsihment:

June 5, 2009 at 10:24 AM | Permalink


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How about if people who support the death penalty agree to its suspension during the recession, if those opposed to it agree to its renewal when the economy recovers?



Oh, OK. But at least we'll be able to stop pretending that this cost business is anything other than a make-weight argument for a preconceived position.

Posted by: Bill Otis | Jun 5, 2009 6:02:52 PM

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