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July 28, 2009

Two more death sentences "completed" in California

Though executions in California have been on hold for more than three years, this local story spotlights that some of the nearly 700 condemned persons on the state's death row are still dying.  The story is headlined "Natural Causes Kill 2 Calif. Death Row Inmates," and here are the particulars:

Two San Quentin death row inmates died of natural causes over the weekend, state corrections officials said Monday Fred Harlan Freeman, 69, and Miguel Angel Martinez, 39, both died while being treated at community hospitals in Marin County for long-term illnesses, San Quentin spokesman Lt. Rudy Luna said....

Since California reinstated the death penalty in 1978, 47 death row inmates have died of natural causes, according to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Seventeen have committed suicide, 13 have been executed in California and five have died from other causes, including killings by other inmates.

July 28, 2009 at 02:27 AM | Permalink


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Let's say, one of the causes was AIDS or cancer. By their not executing these convicts, the state subjected them to a 10 fold crueler death, with scienter. I would like to see an intentional tort suit, not to mention a Section 1983 claim, against the defense lawyer, the judge, all other officious intermeddlers, including review board members, for causing a 10 fold more painful and prolonged death. These ideologues subjected the condemned to prolonged, unimaginable torments. They have no humanity, nor any conscience.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Jul 28, 2009 8:55:18 AM

SC--Wouldn't that kind of suit simply create more rent-seeking opportunities for vile lawyers and lead to unwarranted indoctrination of law students by feminist lawyer hacks?

Posted by: Res ipsa | Jul 28, 2009 9:34:34 AM

Yes they would. I strongly supports torts when lawyers and judges are the defendants. To deter.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Jul 28, 2009 9:58:43 AM

I do not see how the death by natural cause of a death row inmate is different had he been serving a life sentence or a week's sentence.

Posted by: mbp | Jul 29, 2009 3:33:31 AM

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