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August 17, 2009

The re-leaunch of CrimProf blog

I am pleased to be able to report on an exciting new development in the climinal law blogosphere. Here is the news (with links) from an e-mail I received today from Professor Kevin Cole:

My CrimProf colleagues here at the University of San Diego School of Law — Larry lexander, Don Dripps, Yale Kamisar, Adam Kolber, and Jean Ramirez — and I are happy to report that we have re-launched the CrimProf blog.  You can find our introductory post here and can access the entire site at http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/crimprof_blog/.

We hope to continue the efforts of the blog’s previous editors to make this site a valuable resource for criminal law and procedure teachers.  Please send comments and content suggestions to [email protected].

If you would like to receive daily email updates about new postings on the blog, you can “subscribe” by going to the blog at http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/crimprof_blog/ and entering your email address in the column at the left under the heading “News Readers and Feeds."

The "new" CrimProf blog already has lots of new content, including links to lots of new criminal law papers appearing on SSRN.  I made a regular habit of checking the "old" CrimProf blog, and now I suspect that site will be a daily must-read.

August 17, 2009 at 02:11 PM | Permalink


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The entire law prof network is just offensive to anyone who loves this country. This blog is no exception to the strict extreme left wing orthodoxy. It is not even Democrat talking points left. It is fringe academic left. For example, the family law blog is mostly homosexual professors. They will never be a family, They will be friends at best. Anyone who wants news in family law will only find news in homosexual law. The tort profs are foam at the mouth pro-plaintiff hacks. Name any other, and the bias is to the extreme. It is as if the network goes out of its way to give offense to traditional and mainstream values, while totally dependent on public funding or tax deductions for private funding. Anyone who is blunt about defending ordinary values is immediately banned. They tolerate no material dissent, even when some members wanted to hear materail dissent. That is the way of the left. Because the facts abandoned the left 100 years ago, only personal attacks remain.

One traditional value is that the government is given a monopoly on power and physical coercion, in exchange for its providing security, so the public may think of providing productivity and wealth. This blog and the crimprof blog seem to be on a mission to deteriorate security, but to maintain government monopoly on physical power. That combination is not tolerable in our freedom loving nation.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Aug 17, 2009 6:21:00 PM


Thanks for this bit of good news.

Posted by: karl | Aug 17, 2009 9:14:49 PM

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