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August 5, 2009
U Penn JCL symposium on Eighth Amendment litigation
I just noticed that a terrific issue of the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law, which follows-up on its symposium on "Litigating Under the Eighth Amendment," is fully available on-line here.
The pieces in the issue, all authored by leading scholars in the field, cover a wide array of topics ranging from the death penalty, to prison reform litigation, to how excessive prison punishments should be assessed under the Eighth Amendment. Especially with many of these issues on the Supreme Court's docket for the coming Term, this JCL issue is a must-read for constitutional law fans as well and criminal law folks.
August 5, 2009 at 09:53 AM | Permalink
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David Rudovsky has it right. If you read nothing else read his closing comments
Posted by: Anon | Aug 5, 2009 11:17:35 AM
This symposium is offensive. It is unsubstantiated hate speech. Because the U of PA is state tax payer supported, I would like to see it lose its state funding, as well as its tax exempt status for partisan political advocacy without balance.
1) Prisoners live better than 6 billion people on earth.
2) It is neither the physical conditions nor treatment by prison authorities that represent any cruelty. It is living with immoral, ultra-violent, sub-human fellow prisoners. The PLRA should be amended to permit lawsuits against fellow prisoners and the prison authorities that have total control over their bodies. These authorities should be held totally responsible for any damage for allowing violent prisoners to victimize other prisoners.
3) There should be no crowding with 123D, nor 99% of the crime allowed by the vile criminal lover lawyer running the criminal law.
Here is the real cruelty. Millions of violent crimes victimizing innocent people, especially members of minorities. Tens of thousands of extra-judicial homicides not meeting Eighth Amendment muster. Not a word about those from the sickeningly racist criminal lovers at that conference.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Aug 5, 2009 9:41:12 PM