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September 21, 2009
A timely examination of data and integration amidst California's corrections craziness
Professor W. David Ball has recently put up on SSRN on this timely analysisof California's sentencing and corrections challenges, which is titled "E Pluribus Unum: Data and Operations Integration in the California Criminal Justice System." Here is the abstract:The Stanford Criminal Justice Center (SCJC) recently completed a series of Executive Sessions with state and local officials about integrated criminal justice in California, exploring the ways in which the hundreds of disparate criminal justice agencies across the state might share information and coordinate activity, cooperating across jurisdictional and agency lines to promote common public safety goals. An integrated criminal justice system, one where information is readily available to agencies when they need it, has several potential advantages: it can promote more efficient use of resources by avoiding duplication of effort; provide greater transparency to policymakers, regulatory agencies, and the public; and produce the evidence necessary to illustrate ways in which existing policies can be improved.
While integration is a crucial part of the future of criminal justice, integration itself is an increasingly important issue in its own right, particularly as governments tackle complex problems that do not confine themselves to particular geographic or jurisdictional areas (e.g. environmental pollution). As with criminal justice, tackling these problems also requires massive amounts of information and inter-agency and inter-jurisdictional coordination. Some lessons from the integrated criminal justice context might be relevant here: the importance of agreeing on common metrics, the challenge of getting individual agencies to think about how their information and interventions might be reused, and the importance of ensuring that any proposed changes take ordinary business practices into account. Integrated criminal justice can, at a minimum, illustrate the issues that are likely to arise.
Some recent posts on related issues in California and elsewhere:
- Federal judicial panel orders California to drastically cut prison population
- California begins SCOTUS appeal process for federal ruling ordering prisoner release
- Updates on all the prison craziness in California
- Editorial suggests why federal judges have had to be involved in California prison reform
- California's court-ordered plan for prison population reductions to come up short
- Details on California's not-quite-complete prison population reduction plan
- Economic necessity finally forcing long-needed reform in California
- "The Fiscal Crisis in Corrections: Rethinking Policies and Practices"
- Reviewing how tough times are resulting in prison releases
- "Prison spending still shackles state budget"
- Dueling persectives on proposed California prison reforms and a new challenge
- Trickle-down realities of the prison economy in California
- Latest news on sentencing and prison reform in California
September 21, 2009 at 09:41 AM | Permalink
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