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September 10, 2009

New Amnesty International report on the death penalty in Japan

As detailed in this new CNN piece, Amnesty International has issued a new report urging Japan's government "to establish a moratorium on executions and consider abolishing the death penalty." Here are more of the details from CNN:

Death row inmates in Japan spend decades in isolation and face inhuman conditions that can lead to mental illness, Amnesty International said Thursday.  Amnesty urged Japan's new government to improve death row conditions....

As many as 102 prisoners face execution in Japan -- many of them elderly inmates who have lived in isolation for decades, the human rights group said.  However, the number of death row prisoners suffering from mental illness is unknown.

"The secrecy around the death penalty and prisoners' health, combined with a lack of scrutiny by independent mental health experts, has led to reliance on secondary testimony and documentation to assess the mental state of those on death row," Amnesty said.

The report by the London-based human rights group comes as a new Japanese administration prepares to take over after ousting the long-ruling government in a landslide victory last month. Amnesty urged the new Democratic Party of Japan government, which will form in mid-September, to improve death row conditions.

September 10, 2009 at 10:39 AM | Permalink


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This brings up the question of why the Japanese lawyer hates Japan.

Posted by: Redundancy Clause | Sep 10, 2009 1:22:00 PM

Where is the evidence that isolation causes mental illness? Not a word from Amnesty International about the cruelties inflicted on the murder victims of these cruel murderers.

The Japanese do not have a set date of execution. That is a kindness. The set date is the sole cruelty of the US death penalty. Even those of us who have a terminal illness, are spared the stressful certainty of a set date. No one has used this challenge to the death penalty.

One of the reason there is so little crime in Japan is that the police handle it. You basically get beaten daily. And corporal punishment continues actively there. So very few victims of immoral criminals. They know what awaits all those caught up in their legal system.

Here is another powerful reason for their low crime rate. The number of Japanese lawyers is one twentieth per capita as in our pestilential vermin lawyer overrun nation.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Sep 10, 2009 9:01:08 PM

Well done article that. I’ll make sure to use it.

Posted by: Chipper Jones Jersey | Jul 27, 2011 5:33:50 AM

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