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October 28, 2009

House hearing Thursday on "Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System"

As detailed in this official hearing page, the House of Representatives Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security will be holding a hearing on Thursday, October 29 to examine "Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System."   Here are the scheduled witnesses:

I am hopeful (but not optimistic) that the links to the witnesses' testimony will eventually work on this official hearing page.

October 28, 2009 at 01:06 PM | Permalink


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Hmmm. Wonder if the urban discount (see e.g., the killers of Zach Sowers) will be on the menu.

Posted by: federalist | Oct 28, 2009 1:57:30 PM

All the links are dead. However, I do not need them. I already know the testimony.

This is prearranged lawyer dumbass testimony to affirm the biases of the lawyer dumbasses on the Committee. More black criminals should be let out. Why? To generate more government jobs by the devastation they will do.

Here is what the racist, dumbass hierarchy will never allow in any testimony.

1) Blacks do not have higher rates of antisocial personality disorder. Their rates of substance abuse is actually lower than that of whites. Yet they have a heavier burden of criminal victimization. This is best explained by the lack of police protection, and insufficient condemnation of black criminality in various forums, such as church, school, and in the media.

2) The vile feminist lawyer destroyed the black family that had survived slavery, poverty, war, lynchings. There is a 70% rate of bastardy, which likely is the biggest factor in criminality. The feminist lawyer destroyed the black family by putting a money bounty on its break up. Whites now have the same bounty on their families, and their rates of bastardy and resulting criminality will catch up to that of blacks.

3) The criminal law in the hands of the dumbass, white lawyer hierarchy totally devalues the black crime victim, and has nearly immunized the black thug.

4) The dumbass, white lawyer hierarchy has herded crime into downtown black areas to artificially preserve the inflated value of his suburban home. often a few miles from a Fallujah like downtown district. If crime were to be suppressed, in those black areas, they would become the most desirable and expensive properties, walking distance from the downtown skyscraper office buildings. The value of the suburban home would plummet. This crime herding has a business plan worth $trillions.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Oct 28, 2009 6:56:20 PM

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