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October 2, 2009
Lucky in lottery, but not so lucky in law
This local story, which is headlined "Convicted embezzler to forfeit state lottery prize," provides a perfect bit of justice to close down a dynamics sentencing week. Here are the details:Paul W. Lyle learned that he won the grand prize in a Kansas Lottery second-chance drawing at his preliminary hearing 11 days ago. Trouble was: The former radio executive was facing a charge of felony theft for embezzling a reported $87,750 from his employer, American Media Investments, which owns three radio stations in Pittsburg, five in Joplin, Mo., and five more in Texas.
The supreme irony: Lyle, 63, the company’s chief operating officer until the theft was discovered in May, confessed that he stole the money to feed an out-of-control addiction to scratch-off state lottery tickets.
Crawford County Sheriff Sandy Horton said investigators discovered $30,457 worth of losing scratch-off tickets in a drawer of Lyle’s desk in his office at KKOW radio station near Pittsburg. Lyle was charged with the offense July 21.
But then his name popped out of the hopper Sept. 20 at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson in a “second-chance drawing” for purchasers of losing scratch-off tickets... Estimated value of the total package: $96,000....
As part of the plea bargain, prosecutor Michael Gayoso Jr. said, Lyle has agreed to turn over his entire lottery winnings to help pay the anticipated restitution that American Media Investments will be owed in the case. Lyle is to be sentenced Nov. 30 in Crawford County District Court.
October 2, 2009 at 04:20 PM | Permalink
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Does he get to keep the remaining $8250 after he pays restitution?
Posted by: DEJ | Oct 2, 2009 6:55:26 PM