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October 10, 2009

Some death penalty headlines from around the world

Capital punishment cases and debates oftem make international news, but here are an especially dynamic set of stories making headlines around the world:

October 10, 2009 at 06:15 PM | Permalink


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The Bahamas is undergoing a massive assault by ultra-violent criminals since it abolished the death penalty. They should start by stringing up the criminal lover lawyers in the legislature. Leave their corpses dangling from street lights every block as a warning.

A statute should be enacted to mandate all adult citizen pack a gun. If a violent crime is taking place, and the citizen fails to try to shoot the criminal, fine him or her $50. There is a moral duty to kill all violent criminals. It should become law. The statute should immunize the patriot trying to defend his nation from the ultra-violent client of the lawyer.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Oct 10, 2009 8:26:48 PM

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