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October 14, 2009
US Sentencing Commission regional hearing in Denver next week
As detailed in this brief public notice, the US Sentencing Commission has another one of its regional public hearings on tap for next week. This fifth regional public hearing is scheduled for October 20-21, 2009, in Denver, Colorado, in Mineral Hall at the Hyatt Regency Denver.
As detailed in this official agenda, another fascinating group of invited witnesses are scheduled to testify regarding federal sentencing policy in this regional hearing. I suspect some of the written testimony will be available via the USSC's website next week, and I have found all the regional public hearing testimony worth reading.
Finally, I cannot help but note again that this regional session lacks any "View from Academia" (although I see that former District Judge and now Professor Paul Cassell is scheduled to testify on the "Community Impact" panel). The first three regional hearings (which were in Atlanta, Stanford and New York City) all included a panel of academics, but now the Sentencing Commissioners appears disinterested in hearing about how the federal sentencing system looks from various regions of the ivory tower.
October 14, 2009 at 05:38 PM | Permalink
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