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November 8, 2009
Previewing tomorrow's big SCOTUS arguments in Graham and Sullivan juve LWOP cases
How Appealing has collected here lots of links to pieces discussing in the big Graham and Sullivan cases to be argued Monday, November 9 in the Supreme Court. For all the essential case basics in a well presented form, I recommend Lyle Denniston's preview in this SCOTUSblog post titled "Inquiring into the juvenile mind," and Adam Liptak's preview in this New York Times article headlined "Justices Weigh Life in Prison for Youths Who Never Killed." And, as detailed below, I have done a series of posts on these very important Eighth Amendment cases since cert was first granted earlier this year.
I have a lot of new thoughts about these cases and tomorrow's arguments, some of which I hope to share in future posts. For now though, let me make one early prediction (which I reserve the right to change after argument): neither Graham or Sullivan will be resolved through 5-4 rulings.
Some recent posts on juve LWOP and the Graham and Sullivan cases:
- SCOTUS grants cert in Sullivan, juve LWOP case
- The (unpreserved?) procedural issues in Graham juve LWOP case
- Analyzing the cert grants in both Graham and Sullivan
- Gearing up for the SCOTUS juve LWOP cases on the horizon
- New Heritage Foundation report defending juve LWOP sentences
- An early preview of Graham and Sullivan, the SCOTUS juve LWOP cases
- ABAJcoverage of SCOTUS cases on constitutionality of juve LWOP
- Should religious doctrines influence Eighth Amendment jurisprudence?
- "The Case Against Juvenile Life Without Parole: Good Policy and Good Law"
- A California perspective on the juve LWOP issues before the Supreme Court
UPDATE: Howard Bashman here has another collections of press stories about the Graham and Sullivan cases. Readers get bonus points and my gratitude for spotlighting any special or noteworthy details in all this media coverage of these important SCOTUS cases.
November 8, 2009 at 11:43 AM | Permalink
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Prediction from rent seeking theory. The conservative SC will end LWOP for juveniles who did not kill. That will put more extreme criminals and gang bangers on the street, to commit 100's of crimes a year, each, to generate massive government make work.
They will use bogus psychological evidence to justify and to hide their lawyer rent seeking. In this case, that will literally be a form of armed robbery as their precious children rob and pillage minority neighborhoods, after being loosed by the lawyer.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Nov 9, 2009 7:23:08 AM