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January 31, 2010
"Significant State Sentencing and Corrections Legislation in 2009"
The title of this post is the headline of an on-line report available herefrom the National Conference of State Legislatures, which includes a terrific (and seemingly comprehensive) state-by-state review of new sentencing and corrections legislation. Here is part of the textual prelude to the chart with each state's new legislation:Amid the most difficult economic situation since the Great Depression, state legislatures addressed sentencing and corrections policies that better manage correctional populations and budgets. In 2009, states fine-tuned sentencing laws, expanded community-based diversion programs, and created policies and programs aimed at reducing recidivism. California, Delaware, Maryland, Montana, Oregon and Washington increased the monetary thresholds for theft-related crimes, to better align low-level offenses with less severe penalties. States required presentence risk assessments to identify defendants appropriate for community-based sentences. In Illinois and New Hampshire, presentence screening that includes treatment recommendations must be completed for current military or veterans diagnosed with a mental illness.
Legislatures expanded access to substance abuse treatment by creating secure programs for more serious offenders and community-based programs for probation and parole violators. A measure in Kentucky places offenders, identified by pretrial screening as having substance abuse issues, in community-based or secure substance abuse treatment. Florida and North Dakota have designated specific substance abuse treatment programs as sanctions for probation and parole violations. States also relaxed mandatory sentences for drug offenders. New York amended the “Rockefeller Drug Laws” by decreasing mandatory minimums, expanding probation eligibility, and permitting departures from mandatory incarceration for various felony drug offenses.
California, Colorado, Illinois and Montana enacted performance incentive funding policies that provide funds to counties for reducing probation revocations to state prisons. In California, recidivism reduction programming must be evidence-based and funding provided to counties is directly related to costs avoided by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation due to a decrease in probation revocation admissions. Programs created in Colorado and Montana focus on mentally ill offenders.
January 31, 2010 at 03:22 PM | Permalink
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If a veteran commits a crime, the sentence should markedly increase, 1) with military training and greater danger than the average criminal; 2) by criminality, betrayal of the country he once swore to protect; 3) any mental illness or addiction markedly increases impulsivity, eliminates judgment, and increases dangerousness. Repeat violent offenders should be automatically executed, with zero biased, pro-criminal judge discretion. The judges depend on the criminal for their jobs, and want nothing to upset any. No mental illness explains nor justifies criminality. Only criminality explains criminality. These programs are a grave insult to our heroes, and to all who suffer from a mental condition. The left wing degraders of our heroes and of those who suffer with a mental condition should be removed from office.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Jan 31, 2010 9:05:21 PM
I'm a student and I completely agree with Supremacy Claus. They should really know better, I mean look at the new waves of crimes that will soon be hitting this country: http://lawblog.legalmatch.com/2010/01/26/the-wave-of-the-future-same-sex-prostitution/
Seems shocking, but I think there's validity to it.
Posted by: Norton | Feb 2, 2010 8:42:05 AM
I have to say, I dont know if its the clashing colours or the bad grammar, but this blog is hideous!
Posted by: tiffany necklaces and pendants | May 9, 2011 1:38:46 AM
Seems shocking, but I think there's validity to it.
Posted by: amusement equipment | May 25, 2011 9:46:45 PM