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February 23, 2010

Great new features on improved website of The Sentencing Project

I just received this notable web-news via e-mail:

The Sentencing Project is excited to announce our new and improved Web site to help in your research and advocacy efforts for criminal justice reform....  Elements of the new site include:

Interactive U.S. Map -- A newly designed map provides access to comprehensive statistics, including total corrections populations, state corrections expenditures, racial/ethnic disparity in incarceration, number of juveniles in custody, and felony disenfranchisement.  Users can also compare data for different states, side by side.

New Site Search -- We have enhanced our search engine which now enables users to search for keywords within PDFs and other documents....

New Race and Justice Clearinghouse -- The Sentencing Project is host to the first, online database of research and information on race and justice.  Our exclusive resource contains more than 450 bibliographic references for books, articles and reports on the intersection of race and ethnicity with the criminal justice and juvenile justice systems.

This new Interactive US Map is an especially exciting feature of The Sentencing Project's new and improved website, as it provides instant and easy access to a lot of important state-by-state data. 

February 23, 2010 at 03:10 PM | Permalink


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This organization is supported by and may be a front organization for George Soros.

Its contributor list is a useful list of people who should be made to recuse themselves from any criminal trial.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Feb 25, 2010 5:48:52 AM

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